Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness (The Macat Library)When it was published in 2008, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness quickly became one of the most influential books in modern economics and politics. Within a short time, it had inspired whole government departments in the US and UK, and others as far afield as Singapore. One of the keys to Nudge's success is Thaler and Sunstein's ability to create a detailed and persuasive case for their take on economic decision-making. Nudge is not a book packed with original findings or data; instead it is a careful and systematic synthesis of decades of research into behavioral economics. The discipline challenges much conventional economic thought - which works on the basis that, overall, humans make rational decisions - by focusing instead on the `irrational' cognitive biases that affect our decision making. These seemingly in-built biases mean that certain kinds of economic decision-making are predictably irrational. Thaler and Sunstein prove themselves experts at creating persuasive arguments and dealing effectively with counter-arguments. They conclude that if governments understand these cognitive biases, they can `nudge' us into making better decisions for ourselves. Entertaining as well as smart, Nudge shows the full range of reasoning skills that go into making a persuasive argument.Dimensions: 19.81 x 12.9 x 0.51 centimetres (0.06 kg)2008年に出版されたとき、Richard ThalerとCass SunsteinのNudge:Health、Wealth、およびHappinessに関する決定を改善することは、近代経済学と政治における最も影響力のある書籍の1つとなりました。
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