Casting Lots: Creating a Family in a Beautiful, Broken WorldSusan Silverman grew up with parents who were, both before and after a devastating loss, atheists. Yet, as a young adult, she shocked everyone who knew her ( But you were elected Class Flirt in high school!" ) and became a rabbi. What was not surprising, however, was that she built her own big, unwieldy family through both birth and adoption, something she had intended from childhood. With three daughters and two sons ( We produce girls and import boys" ), this unique family becomes a metaphor for the world's contradictions and complexities,a microcosm of the tragedy and joy, hope and despair, cruelty and compassion, predictability and absurdity of this world we all live in. A meditation on identity, faith, and belonging,one that's as funny as it is moving, Casting Lots will resonate with anyone who has struggled to find their place in the world and to understand the significance of that place.Dimensions: 14.99 x 2.29 x 21.59 centimetres (0.36 kg)スーザンシルバーマンは、壊滅的な損失の前と後の両親、無神論者で育った。
しかし、若い大人として、彼女は彼女を知っているすべての人に衝撃を与えました(しかし、あなたは高校でClass Flirtに選出されました!)、ラビになったのですが、驚くことではなかったのは、 3人の娘と2人の息子(私たちは女の子を作り、男の子を育てる)と、このユニークな家族は、世界の矛盾と複雑さの悲劇、悲劇と喜び、希望と希望の小宇宙になる。
寸法:14.99 x 2.29 x 21.59センチメートル(0.36 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。